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About Me


In 2016, I was diagnosed with Crohn's disease. Due to the side of effects of the medication I was taking, I began to experience frequent breakouts on my face. To abate further breakouts, I sought the help of a dermatologist- then I was prescribed numerous creams filled with steroids that I didn't feel comfortable using long term. At this point, I had enough of the entire ordeal. One evening I began to research healthy organic cleansers and the benefits they have for the skin. I took these cleansers and invented numerous soap recipes specifically targeted to treat different skin ailments. Using diverse test groups, I verified that my soaps to do not cause allergic reactions due to the nature of my product. I have received nothing but positive feedback and accolades from those who have sampled my products. With that said, I believe that it is time to take Simone Essentials to the next level and mass produce for worldwide distribution. I would be remiss if I didn't extend a special thank you to my parents and younger brother whom have been supportive every step of the way on my journey to discovery!

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